Name: Silence
Author: Michelle Sagara West
Publisher: DAW
Release Date: May 1st, 2012
Format: ARC Copy
Pre-Order the Book on Amazon
Thank you DAW and Penguin for sending me an ARC copy of this book!!
“It began in the graveyard. Ever since her boyfriend Nathan died in a tragic accident Emma had been coming to the graveyard at night. During the day she went through the motions at her prep school, in class, with her friends, but that’s all it was. But tonight was different. Tonight Emma and her dog were not alone in the cemetery. There were two others there—Eric, who had just started at her school, and an ancient woman who looked as though she were made of rags. And when they saw Emma there, the old woman reached out to her with a grip as chilling as death…."-Goodreads
My Review:
Overall, I really liked Silence!! At first I wasn't really sure what
to expect because I haven't really read any books with ghosts in them
and the ones that I did end up reading about ghosts I didn't like.
Silence, however, totally blew away my expectations and I enjoyed this
One of my favorite parts about Silence definitely was the plot. It was interesting to learn about necromancy
and the whole mythology behind it. Michelle Sagara West does a really
great job of keeping the reader on his/her toes and keeping the book at a
great pace! The book starts right into the action which I really loved.
being said, while I did really enjoy the plot of this book, I found
myself still a little bit confused by the whole necromancy aspect. Maybe
it's because I'm not a huge fan of ghosts that I didn't really
understand? While I definitely liked reading more about necromancy in this book I wish that it was a little bit clearer to the reader!
I enjoyed Silence! While I was a little bit confused at certain parts I
did still really enjoy this book. If you are a fan of books with necromancy and ghosts then this is the book for you!!
My Rating: Three out of Five Stars
Monday, April 30, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Stacking The Shelves (1)
Hi everyone!! In light of recent events, I will no longer be participating in IMM, but instead I will be taking part in Stacking The Shelves!! Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews, and is a great way for fellow bloggers to share the books that they have received over the week. is what I got this week!! is what I got this week!!
Received For Review:
Unspoken by (The Lynburn Legacy #1) by Sarah Rees Brennan (Thank you Netgalley and Random House!!)
Dark Companion by Marta Acosta (Thank you Tor/Macmillan!!)
Flirting in Italian by Lauren Henderson (Thank you Netgalley and Random House!!)
Kissing Shakespeare by Pamela Mingle (Thank you Netgalley and Random House!!)
The Little Woods by McCormick Templeman
Received from the Library/Purchased
The Selection by Kiera Cass (I loved this book so much that I needed to own a hardcover copy..I really shouldn't be buying books but this one was too good not to own!!)
The Other Countess (The Lacey Chronicles # 1) by Eve Edwards
Elemental by Brigid Kemmerer (This book is actually free on Amazon!! Hurry and get it before the price changes!!)
Belles by Jen Calonita
Well..I know that I will be having a lot of reading to do!! What do you think of what I got?? What did you get this week?? Leave a link below and let me know what you received this week :)
Dark Companion by Marta Acosta (Thank you Tor/Macmillan!!)
Flirting in Italian by Lauren Henderson (Thank you Netgalley and Random House!!)
Kissing Shakespeare by Pamela Mingle (Thank you Netgalley and Random House!!)
The Little Woods by McCormick Templeman
Received from the Library/Purchased
The Selection by Kiera Cass (I loved this book so much that I needed to own a hardcover copy..I really shouldn't be buying books but this one was too good not to own!!)
The Other Countess (The Lacey Chronicles # 1) by Eve Edwards
Elemental by Brigid Kemmerer (This book is actually free on Amazon!! Hurry and get it before the price changes!!)
Belles by Jen Calonita
Well..I know that I will be having a lot of reading to do!! What do you think of what I got?? What did you get this week?? Leave a link below and let me know what you received this week :)
Friday, April 27, 2012
Until I Die (Revenants #2) by Amy Plum Review
Name: Until I Die (Revenants #2)
Author: Amy Plum
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Release Date: May 8th, 2012
Format: E-Book ARC
Pre-Order the Book on Amazon
Thank you HaperCollins Publishers and Edelweiss for sending me a copy of Until I Die for review!!
Kate and Vincent have overcome the odds and at last they are together in Paris, the city of lights and love. As their romance deepens there’s one question they can’t ignore: How are they supposed to be together if Vincent can’t resist sacrificing himself to save others? Although Vincent promises that he’ll do whatever it takes to lead a normal life with Kate, will that mean letting innocent people die? When a new and surprising enemy reveals itself, Kate realizes that even more may be at stake—and that Vincent’s immortality is in jeopardy. In Die for Me, Amy Plum created a captivating paranormal mythology with immortal revenants and a lush Paris setting. Until I Die is poised to thrill readers with more heart-pounding suspense, spellbinding romance, and a cliff-hanger ending that will leave them desperate for the third and final novel in the series.-Goodreads
My Review:
Until I Die, the second book in Revenants series, definitely didn't disappoint and was a really great followup to Die For Me!!
One of my favorite parts of this book really was the plot. Amy Plum kept the book at a really great pace..not too slow but not too fast which I really liked. Of course, Until I Die kept me on the edge of my seat and there were many moments that I did not see coming..which really made this book stand out to me (in a good way!!). What I really loved about Until I Die in particular was that while it has actions scenes and goes more into the mythology of the revenants, it doesn't stray away from the romance between Kate and Vincent, which really is the heart of the series. I really enjoyed seeing their relationship progress throughout the book and I can't wait to see what's in store for them next.
It was also really interesting to see Kate grow as a character. As a reader, we can really see her growth from the first book in the series to this book. She really has become a more independent girl and has come out of her shell. The setting of this book (which is France) captivated me from the first day that I started this series. I love reading about the different sites in Paris and France, and also learning some French history as well.
Overall, Until I Die, is a really great follow up to an awesome series!! This book definitely would disappoint to fans of the series, and if you haven't checked this series out you really should do so!!
My Rating: Four out of Five Stars
Author: Amy Plum
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Release Date: May 8th, 2012
Format: E-Book ARC
Pre-Order the Book on Amazon
Thank you HaperCollins Publishers and Edelweiss for sending me a copy of Until I Die for review!!
Kate and Vincent have overcome the odds and at last they are together in Paris, the city of lights and love. As their romance deepens there’s one question they can’t ignore: How are they supposed to be together if Vincent can’t resist sacrificing himself to save others? Although Vincent promises that he’ll do whatever it takes to lead a normal life with Kate, will that mean letting innocent people die? When a new and surprising enemy reveals itself, Kate realizes that even more may be at stake—and that Vincent’s immortality is in jeopardy. In Die for Me, Amy Plum created a captivating paranormal mythology with immortal revenants and a lush Paris setting. Until I Die is poised to thrill readers with more heart-pounding suspense, spellbinding romance, and a cliff-hanger ending that will leave them desperate for the third and final novel in the series.-Goodreads
My Review:
Until I Die, the second book in Revenants series, definitely didn't disappoint and was a really great followup to Die For Me!!
One of my favorite parts of this book really was the plot. Amy Plum kept the book at a really great pace..not too slow but not too fast which I really liked. Of course, Until I Die kept me on the edge of my seat and there were many moments that I did not see coming..which really made this book stand out to me (in a good way!!). What I really loved about Until I Die in particular was that while it has actions scenes and goes more into the mythology of the revenants, it doesn't stray away from the romance between Kate and Vincent, which really is the heart of the series. I really enjoyed seeing their relationship progress throughout the book and I can't wait to see what's in store for them next.
It was also really interesting to see Kate grow as a character. As a reader, we can really see her growth from the first book in the series to this book. She really has become a more independent girl and has come out of her shell. The setting of this book (which is France) captivated me from the first day that I started this series. I love reading about the different sites in Paris and France, and also learning some French history as well.
Overall, Until I Die, is a really great follow up to an awesome series!! This book definitely would disappoint to fans of the series, and if you haven't checked this series out you really should do so!!
My Rating: Four out of Five Stars
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Follow Friday # 29
Hi everyone..Happy Friday!! Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read!!
Here's this Friday's Question....
Q: Have you ever had a character that disappointed you? One that you fell in love with and then "broke-up" with later on in either the series or stand-alone book? Tell us about him or her.
A: Hmmm..I think I'm going to have to say Edward Cullen. I really loved him in all of the Twilight books..but once I read part of Midnight Sun (told from his perspective) I wasn't really sure why he really liked it. Sure, he's handsome and dedicated to Bella but I think that I just didn't love him as much as I use to anymore.
Well..what do you think of my response?? Have you ever had a character disappoint you?? Let me know in the comments and leave me some links :D
Here's this Friday's Question....
Q: Have you ever had a character that disappointed you? One that you fell in love with and then "broke-up" with later on in either the series or stand-alone book? Tell us about him or her.
A: Hmmm..I think I'm going to have to say Edward Cullen. I really loved him in all of the Twilight books..but once I read part of Midnight Sun (told from his perspective) I wasn't really sure why he really liked it. Sure, he's handsome and dedicated to Bella but I think that I just didn't love him as much as I use to anymore.
Well..what do you think of my response?? Have you ever had a character disappoint you?? Let me know in the comments and leave me some links :D
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Feature Thursday (2)
Feature Thursday is a feature (created by me!) where I have a
guest post or blogger interview with a blogger so bloggers can make new
friends and find new blogs! Feature Thursday will be every other
Can you tell us a little yourself to your fellow bloggers? Well, this is my first interview! I'm Brazilian but I live in Switzerland, so you can say that I really love traveling! I'm not good in anything involving math, so I only get good grades in the language courses :). That could be because I almost read a book a day! Ever since reading the first Harry Potter a long time ago, I can't seem to stop reading books! Which resulted in me becoming a book blogger. I also love taking photographs and when I'm not reading books, I'm out taking pictures!
What is your favorite part of the blogging process? I love to write reviews and share my opinion with others. Furthermore when I get a comment of someone who shares my opinion or even if not, it just makes my day!
What book are you reading right now? I just started The Glimpse by Claire Merle! The beginning already has me hooked and I can't seem to put it down (don't tell my teachers that at school!)
What is your favorite ya book of 2012? That's a hard question. It seems that most of the books I've read so far have been so amazing! I don't know what these authors are doing but they surely got some great ideas for books this year haha! But if I had to choose I'd say Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross because I just love fairy tale retellings!
What was your favorite book growing up and why? Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, no doubt about it. This was the novel that got me hooked on books in the first place :)
Are there any books you would recommend to fellow bloggers and readers out there? Maaany! Well, from the ones I've read so far this year I'd recommend foremost Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross, The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa and Larkstorm by Dawn Rae Miller. But there are so many!
Favorite band? Maroon 5! I've been a big fan since their first CD! But can you believe they cancelled their show here in Switzerland twice?!
Give us one fun fact about yourself: I love gaming! My boyfriend and I are completely addicted to Pokemon games haha! I mean, some of them are really cute!
Last question..if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? Okay, it's a tie between: Paris, London, São Paulo and Los Angeles! These are my favorite cities in the whole world but who knows it may change someday :)
Thank you so much for having me! Rachel
Thanks so much Rachel for answering my questions and being my second feature!! Please make sure to stop by Rachel's blog and follow!!
If you are interested in being one of my feature blogs make sure to send me an email at
This week's feature is Rachel from Books to Consider!
Can you tell us a little yourself to your fellow bloggers? Well, this is my first interview! I'm Brazilian but I live in Switzerland, so you can say that I really love traveling! I'm not good in anything involving math, so I only get good grades in the language courses :). That could be because I almost read a book a day! Ever since reading the first Harry Potter a long time ago, I can't seem to stop reading books! Which resulted in me becoming a book blogger. I also love taking photographs and when I'm not reading books, I'm out taking pictures!
What is your favorite part of the blogging process? I love to write reviews and share my opinion with others. Furthermore when I get a comment of someone who shares my opinion or even if not, it just makes my day!
What book are you reading right now? I just started The Glimpse by Claire Merle! The beginning already has me hooked and I can't seem to put it down (don't tell my teachers that at school!)
What is your favorite ya book of 2012? That's a hard question. It seems that most of the books I've read so far have been so amazing! I don't know what these authors are doing but they surely got some great ideas for books this year haha! But if I had to choose I'd say Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross because I just love fairy tale retellings!
What was your favorite book growing up and why? Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, no doubt about it. This was the novel that got me hooked on books in the first place :)
Are there any books you would recommend to fellow bloggers and readers out there? Maaany! Well, from the ones I've read so far this year I'd recommend foremost Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross, The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa and Larkstorm by Dawn Rae Miller. But there are so many!
Favorite band? Maroon 5! I've been a big fan since their first CD! But can you believe they cancelled their show here in Switzerland twice?!
Give us one fun fact about yourself: I love gaming! My boyfriend and I are completely addicted to Pokemon games haha! I mean, some of them are really cute!
Last question..if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? Okay, it's a tie between: Paris, London, São Paulo and Los Angeles! These are my favorite cities in the whole world but who knows it may change someday :)
Thank you so much for having me! Rachel
Thanks so much Rachel for answering my questions and being my second feature!! Please make sure to stop by Rachel's blog and follow!!
If you are interested in being one of my feature blogs make sure to send me an email at
Vicious Deep Author Interview!!
So this upcoming Tuesday (May 1st), The Vicious Deep by Zoraida Cordova will be released!! I was able to get the chance to ask Zoraida about The Vicious Deep and learn more about her. Check out the interview below!!
Can you tell us a little about your novel The Vicious Deep?
TVD is an urban fantasy set in Coney Island, and based around a young casanova, Tristan Hart who discovers his lineage runs 1000 leagues under the sea...and then some.
Was it harder to write with a male Point of View instead of writing with a female one?
I’ve written in both and they come with their challenges. Sometimes I worry that my girl characters are too snarky. Then I worry my male characters are too feminine. But the feelings cross over. It’s all about conversing with the character and getting to know them before putting them in a scene where everything collapses around them.
What’s your favorite part of the writing process?
Making stuff up.
If you could be any character in The Vicious Deep, who would you be and why?
This varies. I love Marty McKay. He’s got some adventures ahead of him.
I love Layla because she gets to have Tristan’s attention.
Then I love the silver mermaid, because she’s bad to the bone.
Okay so I have to ask..if The Vicious Deep was made into a movie who would you want to play Tristan?
MEEP! So hard. Zac Efron has gotten nice and muscular. So in something like this: He has the pretty blue eyes and the darker hair.
When will the second book in the series, Savage Blue, be coming out and can you give us fellow readers a hint at what to expect?
It should come out this time next year! Look out for the cover reveal at the end of May. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but Tristan has some very tough choices ahead. I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.
Do you plan on writing any other books in different genres?
I have an adult book I’d like to write. Actually, it’s about someone my age, so really still a “young adult.” The market is minuscule for it. Who wants to read about 24 year olds messing up in Manhattan night life? Until I can write it right, I’m going to stick to some pretty cool urban fantasy ideas I’ve got in mind.
What was your favorite book growing up and why?
The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare. It started my witch craze, even though there aren’t any actual witches in the book.
Are there any books you would recommend to fellow bloggers and readers out there?
Lonely Werewolf Girl by Martin Millar. For fans of Neil Gaiman, especially. It’s a big book, but goes by SO fast.
Last question..if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
This is as tough as picking out which hot actor I’d go on a date with (Bradley Cooper). Greece. To see the ruins and swim in the beautiful waters.
Thanks so much Zoraida for answering my questions!! Make sure to check out The Vicious Deep next week when it is released!!
Can you tell us a little about your novel The Vicious Deep?
TVD is an urban fantasy set in Coney Island, and based around a young casanova, Tristan Hart who discovers his lineage runs 1000 leagues under the sea...and then some.
Was it harder to write with a male Point of View instead of writing with a female one?
I’ve written in both and they come with their challenges. Sometimes I worry that my girl characters are too snarky. Then I worry my male characters are too feminine. But the feelings cross over. It’s all about conversing with the character and getting to know them before putting them in a scene where everything collapses around them.
What’s your favorite part of the writing process?
Making stuff up.
If you could be any character in The Vicious Deep, who would you be and why?
This varies. I love Marty McKay. He’s got some adventures ahead of him.
I love Layla because she gets to have Tristan’s attention.
Then I love the silver mermaid, because she’s bad to the bone.
Okay so I have to ask..if The Vicious Deep was made into a movie who would you want to play Tristan?
MEEP! So hard. Zac Efron has gotten nice and muscular. So in something like this: He has the pretty blue eyes and the darker hair.
When will the second book in the series, Savage Blue, be coming out and can you give us fellow readers a hint at what to expect?
It should come out this time next year! Look out for the cover reveal at the end of May. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but Tristan has some very tough choices ahead. I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.
Do you plan on writing any other books in different genres?
I have an adult book I’d like to write. Actually, it’s about someone my age, so really still a “young adult.” The market is minuscule for it. Who wants to read about 24 year olds messing up in Manhattan night life? Until I can write it right, I’m going to stick to some pretty cool urban fantasy ideas I’ve got in mind.
What was your favorite book growing up and why?
The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare. It started my witch craze, even though there aren’t any actual witches in the book.
Are there any books you would recommend to fellow bloggers and readers out there?
Lonely Werewolf Girl by Martin Millar. For fans of Neil Gaiman, especially. It’s a big book, but goes by SO fast.
Last question..if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
This is as tough as picking out which hot actor I’d go on a date with (Bradley Cooper). Greece. To see the ruins and swim in the beautiful waters.
Thanks so much Zoraida for answering my questions!! Make sure to check out The Vicious Deep next week when it is released!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Waiting on Wednesday 42: Flirting in Italian
Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine!!
Name: Flirting in Italian
Author: Lauren Henderson
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Release Date: June 12th, 2012
Add the book on Goodreads
Four girls. One magical, and possibly dangerous Italian summer. Family mysteries, ancient castles, long hot nights of dancing under the stars . . . and, of course, plenty of gorgeous Italian boys!-Goodreads
My Thoughts:
Okay so this book sounds like the perfect beach read! I do wish that there was a little bit more summary about this book but nevertheless I am still excited. Who doesn't want to read about gorgeous Italian boys? I will totally be checking this book out this summer!
So what are your thoughts..are you excited for this book?? What are you waiting for this week?? Comment below and leave me links :D
Monday, April 23, 2012
Unbreak My Heart by Melissa C. Walker Review
Name: Unbreak My Heart
Author: Melissa C. Walker
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
Release Date: May 22nd, 2012
Format: E-Book ARC
Pre-Order the book on Amazon
Thank you Bloomsbury and Netgalley for sending me an ARC copy to review!!
Sophomore year broke Clementine Williams’ heart. She fell for her best friend’s boyfriend and long story short: he’s excused, but Clem is vilified and she heads into summer with zero social life. Enter her parents’ plan to spend the summer on their sailboat. Normally the idea of being stuck on a tiny boat with her parents and little sister would make Clem break out in hives, but floating away sounds pretty good right now. Then she meets James at one of their first stops along the river. He and his dad are sailing for the summer and he’s just the distraction Clem needs. Can he break down Clem’s walls and heal her broken heart? Told in alternating chapters that chronicle the year that broke Clem’s heart and the summer that healed it, Unbreak My Heart is a wonderful dual love story that fans of Sarah Dessen, Deb Caletti, and Susane Colasanti will flock to.-Goodreads
My Review:
When I received this book to review last week..I was actually away on a beach vacation with my family and I was itching to read a contemporary/summer read!! Luckily, this book definitely didn't disappoint and is the perfect summer beach read.
One of my favorite parts about this book was the setting! I really enjoyed reading about Clementine's journey on the boat and how relaxing it was. I also liked how Melissa Walker was able to go into detail about the event that broke Clementine's heart and showing flashbacks of what happened, instead of just telling the reader.
I really liked seeing Clementine progress throughout the novel. At the beginning of the book she is a depressed teenager, but by the end she has fallen in love again and is able to pull herself and become the independent girl that she is. I really liked the romance in this book but I wish that there was more of it! The only complaint I have would be that this book does end kind of leave things unresolved, and I wasn't 100 percent satisfied by the end.
Overall, I really enjoyed Unbreak My Heart and I thought it was a great beach read! If you are looking for something light and fun to read this summer check this book out!!
My Rating: Four out of Five Stars
Author: Melissa C. Walker
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
Release Date: May 22nd, 2012
Format: E-Book ARC
Pre-Order the book on Amazon
Thank you Bloomsbury and Netgalley for sending me an ARC copy to review!!
Sophomore year broke Clementine Williams’ heart. She fell for her best friend’s boyfriend and long story short: he’s excused, but Clem is vilified and she heads into summer with zero social life. Enter her parents’ plan to spend the summer on their sailboat. Normally the idea of being stuck on a tiny boat with her parents and little sister would make Clem break out in hives, but floating away sounds pretty good right now. Then she meets James at one of their first stops along the river. He and his dad are sailing for the summer and he’s just the distraction Clem needs. Can he break down Clem’s walls and heal her broken heart? Told in alternating chapters that chronicle the year that broke Clem’s heart and the summer that healed it, Unbreak My Heart is a wonderful dual love story that fans of Sarah Dessen, Deb Caletti, and Susane Colasanti will flock to.-Goodreads
My Review:
When I received this book to review last week..I was actually away on a beach vacation with my family and I was itching to read a contemporary/summer read!! Luckily, this book definitely didn't disappoint and is the perfect summer beach read.
One of my favorite parts about this book was the setting! I really enjoyed reading about Clementine's journey on the boat and how relaxing it was. I also liked how Melissa Walker was able to go into detail about the event that broke Clementine's heart and showing flashbacks of what happened, instead of just telling the reader.
I really liked seeing Clementine progress throughout the novel. At the beginning of the book she is a depressed teenager, but by the end she has fallen in love again and is able to pull herself and become the independent girl that she is. I really liked the romance in this book but I wish that there was more of it! The only complaint I have would be that this book does end kind of leave things unresolved, and I wasn't 100 percent satisfied by the end.
Overall, I really enjoyed Unbreak My Heart and I thought it was a great beach read! If you are looking for something light and fun to read this summer check this book out!!
My Rating: Four out of Five Stars
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Book Trailers: What's your thoughts on them??
Over the past couple of days I have been noticing a lot more book trailers out there for YA books. Of course, I have always known about
book trailers but I never really watched them (that is until a few days
ago). At first, I wasn't always a huge fan of watching book trailers until after I read the book because I wanted to be able to picture the characters in the book on my own. Now, I think I can watch them before reading the book without having too much of a problem! So after watching a bunch of awesome book trailers I decided to
showcase a few on my blog!!
Okay so here's the big question..what do you guys think of book trailers?? Do you think they influence the way you picture the characters of books in your head? Do you wish more books had book trailers or do you wish that they never had been made? What do you think of these book trailers?
Let me know in the comments what you think..I have to say I have definitely grown to like book trailers (most of the time!). What about you?
(Books Shown in this post: Immortal City, The Vicious Deep, City of Lost Souls, Shatter Me, Starcrossed, The Selection, Insurgent, Hallowed)
Saturday, April 21, 2012
In My Mailbox (41)
Hi everyone!! In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. I hope you all are having a great week!! I was away on vacation so I was able to get a lot of reading done at the beach :)
So here is what I got this week..
So here is what I got this week..
Received For Review:
Unbreak My Heart by Melissa Walker (Thank you Netgalley and Bloomsbury!!)
Well..that's all I got this week!! What did you get in your mailbox and what do you think of what I got?? Comment below and leave me some links :)
Friday, April 20, 2012
The Vicious Deep by Zoraida Cordova Review

Author: Zoraida Cordova
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Release Date: May 1st, 2012
Format: E-Book ARC
Pre-Order the Book on Amazon
Thank you Netgalley and Sourcebooks Fire for sending me a copy of the Vicious Deep for review!!
For Tristan Hart, everything changes with one crashing wave.
He was gone for three days. Sucked out to sea in a tidal wave and spit back ashore at Coney Island with no memory of what happened. Now his dreams are haunted by a terrifying silver mermaid with razor-sharp teeth.
His best friend Layla is convinced something is wrong. But how can he explain he can sense emotion like never before? How can he explain he’s heir to a kingdom he never knew existed? That he’s suddenly a pawn in a battle as ancient as the gods.
Something happened to him in those three days. He was claimed by the sea…and now it wants him back.-Goodreads
My Review:
What a really great read!! The Vicious Deep definitely is one of my all time favorite mermaid reads and is a really great beach read (I read this one during spring break on the it got me in the perfect mood to read this book)!!
One of my favorite parts about this book was that the book is told from a male point of view. Not many YA books, especially mermaid books, are told from a male perspective so it was really interesting to see a male's take on things. Zoraida Cordova does a fantastic job of making the reader feel like they are going through want Tristan is going through and she makes him really relatable as well. Tristan, probably is my new book crush, can be hysterical at times, but has his moments where he is raw with emotion and is so sincere and I really loved seeing him progress throughout the novel.
Another one of my favorite parts about this book was the plot. At first, I didn't really know what to expect about The Vicious Deep. I wasn't sure if this book was about sirens, or mermaids. Once I started, however, I was immediately sucked in and could not put this book down!! I found myself staying up extra late to see what would happen to Tristan next. I don't want to give away any spoilers but I will say that Zoraida Cordova does a really great job of keeping the reader on the edge of his/her seat and making the novel extra suspenseful.
Overall, I really really enjoyed The Vicious Deep and I think this has to be my new favorite mermaid book! I loved seeing things from a guys perspective and I really loved the main character Tristan. I am really looking forward to the next book in the series. If you want a great summer paranormal read then you have to check this book out!
My Rating: Five out of Five Stars
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Follow Friday # 28
Hi everyone..Happy Follow Friday!! Follow Friday is hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee!!
I hope everyone is having a great week!! Here is this week's question:
Q: Fight! Fight! If you could have two fictional characters battle it out (preferably from books), who would they be and who do you think would win?
A: Ah this is such a hard question!! So after some long debating..I think I am going to go with Ellie from Wings of the Wicked (Angelfire) and Clara from Hallowed (Unearthly series). I choose both girls because while they both act normal and deal with regular teenage dramas but they both supernatural elements to them and know how to fight. I think in the end Ellie would win because she has such a fiery personality and won't back down..but deep down I have to say that I love Clara as well and I would be happy with either winner :)
I hope everyone is having a great week!! Here is this week's question:
Q: Fight! Fight! If you could have two fictional characters battle it out (preferably from books), who would they be and who do you think would win?
A: Ah this is such a hard question!! So after some long debating..I think I am going to go with Ellie from Wings of the Wicked (Angelfire) and Clara from Hallowed (Unearthly series). I choose both girls because while they both act normal and deal with regular teenage dramas but they both supernatural elements to them and know how to fight. I think in the end Ellie would win because she has such a fiery personality and won't back down..but deep down I have to say that I love Clara as well and I would be happy with either winner :)
Okay so what do you think of my choices?? Who would you want to fight?? Comment below and leave me some links..and don't forget to follow!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
A Breath of Eyre by Eve Marie Mont Review
Name: A Breath of Eyre (Unbound #1)
Author: Eve Marie Mont
Publisher: Kensington Publishing Corporation
Release Date: March 27th, 2012
Format: Purchased
Buy the Book on Amazon
Emma Townsend has always believed in stories—the ones she reads voraciously, and the ones she creates in her head. Perhaps it’s because she feels like an outsider at her exclusive prep school, or because her stepmother doesn’t come close to filling the void left by her mother’s death. And her only romantic prospect—apart from a crush on her English teacher—is Gray Newman, a long-time friend who just adds to Emma’s confusion. But escape soon arrives in an old leather-bound copy of Jane Eyre…
Reading of Jane’s isolation sparks a deep sense of kinship. Then fate takes things a leap further when a lightning storm catapults Emma right into Jane’s body and her nineteenth-century world. As governess at Thornfield, Emma has a sense of belonging she’s never known—and an attraction to the brooding Mr. Rochester. Now, moving between her two realities and uncovering secrets in both, Emma must decide whether her destiny lies in the pages of Jane’s story, or in the unwritten chapters of her own…-Goodreads
My Review:
I definitely didn't know what to expect with this book when I started it..I was very intrigued by the main character being transported back into a book she is reading..who wouldn't want to be transported into their favorite book??
One of my favorite parts about this book was the plot..I really liked how Emma was transported back into Jane Eyre and having to deal with the consequences of being in Jane's place. I though Eve Marie Mont did a fabulous job of portraying Emma and making her grow throughout the book. At first, I wasn't sure how much I would like Emma, but as the book progressed she really grew as a character and found her way!
I will say that at first I was nervous about reading this because I haven't read Jane Eyre, but you definitely don't need to read it before reading this book! The author does a fantastic job of adding in a basic summary of Jane Eyre so that the reader isn't totally confused by not knowing anything about Jane Eyre. I also liked the romantic aspect to the book..while it doesn't overshadow the plot as a whole at all, it was still a nice addition to the book!
Once I started this book I could not put it down and as I continued through the book I was so engrossed in the story that I finished this one almost in a day! This is the perfect book for book lovers out there and people who want a great contemporary read with a literary twist!!
My Rating: Four out of Five Stars
Author: Eve Marie Mont
Publisher: Kensington Publishing Corporation
Release Date: March 27th, 2012
Format: Purchased
Buy the Book on Amazon
Emma Townsend has always believed in stories—the ones she reads voraciously, and the ones she creates in her head. Perhaps it’s because she feels like an outsider at her exclusive prep school, or because her stepmother doesn’t come close to filling the void left by her mother’s death. And her only romantic prospect—apart from a crush on her English teacher—is Gray Newman, a long-time friend who just adds to Emma’s confusion. But escape soon arrives in an old leather-bound copy of Jane Eyre…
Reading of Jane’s isolation sparks a deep sense of kinship. Then fate takes things a leap further when a lightning storm catapults Emma right into Jane’s body and her nineteenth-century world. As governess at Thornfield, Emma has a sense of belonging she’s never known—and an attraction to the brooding Mr. Rochester. Now, moving between her two realities and uncovering secrets in both, Emma must decide whether her destiny lies in the pages of Jane’s story, or in the unwritten chapters of her own…-Goodreads
My Review:
I definitely didn't know what to expect with this book when I started it..I was very intrigued by the main character being transported back into a book she is reading..who wouldn't want to be transported into their favorite book??
One of my favorite parts about this book was the plot..I really liked how Emma was transported back into Jane Eyre and having to deal with the consequences of being in Jane's place. I though Eve Marie Mont did a fabulous job of portraying Emma and making her grow throughout the book. At first, I wasn't sure how much I would like Emma, but as the book progressed she really grew as a character and found her way!
I will say that at first I was nervous about reading this because I haven't read Jane Eyre, but you definitely don't need to read it before reading this book! The author does a fantastic job of adding in a basic summary of Jane Eyre so that the reader isn't totally confused by not knowing anything about Jane Eyre. I also liked the romantic aspect to the book..while it doesn't overshadow the plot as a whole at all, it was still a nice addition to the book!
Once I started this book I could not put it down and as I continued through the book I was so engrossed in the story that I finished this one almost in a day! This is the perfect book for book lovers out there and people who want a great contemporary read with a literary twist!!
My Rating: Four out of Five Stars
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Waiting on Wednesday 41: Valkyrie Rising
Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking The Spine!!
Name: Valkyrie RisingAuthor: Ingrid Paulson
Publisher: Harper Teen
Release Date: October 9th, 2012
Add the Book on Goodreads
Nothing ever happens in Norway. But at least Ellie knows what to expect when she visits her grandmother: a tranquil fishing village and long, slow summer days. And maybe she’ll finally get out from under the shadow of her way-too-perfect big brother, Graham, while she’s there.
What Ellie doesn’t anticipate is Graham’s infuriating best friend, Tuck, tagging along for the trip. Nor did she imagine boys going missing amid rumors of impossible kidnappings. Least of all does she expect something powerful and ancient to awaken in her and that strange whispers would urge Ellie to claim her place among mythological warriors. Instead of peace and quiet, there’s suddenly a lot for a girl from L.A. to handle on a summer sojourn in Norway! And when Graham vanishes, it’s up to Ellie—and the ever-sarcastic, if undeniably alluring Tuck—to uncover the truth about all the disappearances and thwart the nefarious plan behind them.
Deadly legends, hidden identities, and tentative romance swirl together in one girl’s unexpectedly-epic coming of age.-Goodreads
My Thoughts
This book sounds really interesting!! I really like the mysterious aspect to it..and I really want to know more about these mythological warriors! I also think the cover is very cool..I love the background! I definitely will be checking this book out!!
Well what's your thoughts?? What are you waiting for this week?? Comment below and leave me some links :D
Monday, April 16, 2012
The Masters of the Veil by Daniel Cohen Review
Name: The Masters of the Veil
Author: Daniel Cohen
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Release Date: March 1st, 2012
Format: ARC from publisher
Buy the Book on Amazon
Thank you Spencer Hill Press for sending me a copy of this book for review!!
Life can't get much better for Sam Lock. Popular, good-looking, and with a future as a professional football player. every guy at Stanton High School wishes he were Sam. That is, until his championship football game, when Sam accidentally links with an ancient source of energy known as the Veil and reveals his potential to become a powerful sorcerer.Sam is whisked off to Atlas Crown, a community of sorcerers who utilize the Veil as a part of everyday life. Once there, he trains beside a mute boy who speaks through music, an eternal sage who's the eyes and ears of the Veil, and a beautiful girl who's pretty sure Sam's an idiot. As it becomes clear Sam's meant for power magic-the most feared and misunderstood form of sorcery-people beyond Atlas Crown learn of his dangerous potential. An exiled group of power sorcerers are eager to recruit Sam, believing that he is destined to help them achieve their long-held goal. If they succeed, they could bring about the downfall of not only Atlas Crown. but all humankind.-Goodreads
My Review:
At first, I wasn't sure how much I was going to like this book..I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi/magic types of books but I went into this one with an open mind and I am glad that I did!!
One of my favorite parts about this book was that it was told from a male's point of view (the main character Sam). I haven't really read any books with a male point of view so it was really interesting to see things from his take! I also really liked the main character Sam, at first he seemed like a typical high school jock, but as the novel progressed he really grew as a character and he learns a lot about himself and becomes a really great character.
I also really liked the plot of this story!! It was very detailed and Daniel Cohen creates a great universe. I was definitely on the edge of my seat during certain parts of this book..I had no idea what was coming and what I was going to expect!!
Overall, I really enjoyed this book! I wasn't sure if I was going to be a huge fan of it at first but I am really glad I read this one!!
My Rating: Four out of Five Stars
Author: Daniel Cohen
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Release Date: March 1st, 2012
Format: ARC from publisher
Buy the Book on Amazon
Thank you Spencer Hill Press for sending me a copy of this book for review!!
Life can't get much better for Sam Lock. Popular, good-looking, and with a future as a professional football player. every guy at Stanton High School wishes he were Sam. That is, until his championship football game, when Sam accidentally links with an ancient source of energy known as the Veil and reveals his potential to become a powerful sorcerer.Sam is whisked off to Atlas Crown, a community of sorcerers who utilize the Veil as a part of everyday life. Once there, he trains beside a mute boy who speaks through music, an eternal sage who's the eyes and ears of the Veil, and a beautiful girl who's pretty sure Sam's an idiot. As it becomes clear Sam's meant for power magic-the most feared and misunderstood form of sorcery-people beyond Atlas Crown learn of his dangerous potential. An exiled group of power sorcerers are eager to recruit Sam, believing that he is destined to help them achieve their long-held goal. If they succeed, they could bring about the downfall of not only Atlas Crown. but all humankind.-Goodreads
My Review:
At first, I wasn't sure how much I was going to like this book..I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi/magic types of books but I went into this one with an open mind and I am glad that I did!!
One of my favorite parts about this book was that it was told from a male's point of view (the main character Sam). I haven't really read any books with a male point of view so it was really interesting to see things from his take! I also really liked the main character Sam, at first he seemed like a typical high school jock, but as the novel progressed he really grew as a character and he learns a lot about himself and becomes a really great character.
I also really liked the plot of this story!! It was very detailed and Daniel Cohen creates a great universe. I was definitely on the edge of my seat during certain parts of this book..I had no idea what was coming and what I was going to expect!!
Overall, I really enjoyed this book! I wasn't sure if I was going to be a huge fan of it at first but I am really glad I read this one!!
My Rating: Four out of Five Stars
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Kiss of Frost (Mythos Academy # 2) by Jennifer Estep Review
Name: Kiss of Frost (Mythos Academy # 2)
Author: Jennifer Estep
Publisher: Kensington
Release Date: November 29th, 2011
Format: Book from the Library
Buy the Book on Amazon
I’m Gwen Frost, a second-year warrior-in-training at Mythos Academy, and I have no idea how I’m going to survive the rest of the semester. One day, I’m getting schooled in swordplay by the guy who broke my heart—the drop-dead gorgeous Logan who slays me every time. Then, an invisible archer in the Library of Antiquities decides to use me for target practice. And now, I find out that someone at the academy is really a Reaper bad guy who wants me dead. I’m afraid if I don’t learn how to live by the sword—with Logan’s help—I just might die by the sword...-Goodreads
My Review:
After reading a Touch of Frost a few weeks ago..I knew that I had to read the second book!! Once I got Kiss of Frost from the library I could not put this book down!! Definitely a great sequel to an awesome series!!
One of my favorite parts of this book was the plot!! Jennifer Estep does a really great job of weaving an amazing story..with new characters and lots of intrigue! I was on the edge of my seat reading this book..not knowing what would happen next. I really liked that this book was action packed and didn't spend a whole lot of time explaining different mythologies and details, and instead really showed what was going on.
I also really liked the progression of the main character Gwen! Of course she's still her sarcastic, determined self, but she really becomes a strong person. I really liked seeing her growth as a character and I can't wait to see what happens in the next book!! I also loved the development of her relationship with Logan!! After not having a lot of romantic encounters in the last book, I really liked that there were a few more in this one and we got to see more of Logan!!
Overall, this was a great second book to a really enjoyable series!! I can't wait to read the next book!!
My Rating: Four out of Five Stars
Author: Jennifer Estep
Publisher: Kensington
Release Date: November 29th, 2011
Format: Book from the Library
Buy the Book on Amazon
I’m Gwen Frost, a second-year warrior-in-training at Mythos Academy, and I have no idea how I’m going to survive the rest of the semester. One day, I’m getting schooled in swordplay by the guy who broke my heart—the drop-dead gorgeous Logan who slays me every time. Then, an invisible archer in the Library of Antiquities decides to use me for target practice. And now, I find out that someone at the academy is really a Reaper bad guy who wants me dead. I’m afraid if I don’t learn how to live by the sword—with Logan’s help—I just might die by the sword...-Goodreads
My Review:
After reading a Touch of Frost a few weeks ago..I knew that I had to read the second book!! Once I got Kiss of Frost from the library I could not put this book down!! Definitely a great sequel to an awesome series!!
One of my favorite parts of this book was the plot!! Jennifer Estep does a really great job of weaving an amazing story..with new characters and lots of intrigue! I was on the edge of my seat reading this book..not knowing what would happen next. I really liked that this book was action packed and didn't spend a whole lot of time explaining different mythologies and details, and instead really showed what was going on.
I also really liked the progression of the main character Gwen! Of course she's still her sarcastic, determined self, but she really becomes a strong person. I really liked seeing her growth as a character and I can't wait to see what happens in the next book!! I also loved the development of her relationship with Logan!! After not having a lot of romantic encounters in the last book, I really liked that there were a few more in this one and we got to see more of Logan!!
Overall, this was a great second book to a really enjoyable series!! I can't wait to read the next book!!
My Rating: Four out of Five Stars
Saturday, April 14, 2012
In My Mailbox (40)
Hi everyone!! In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren!!
So this week a bunch of books came in for me from my library!! So I think I have around twenty library books to read now!! I better get started :)
Okay so here's what I got this week!!
So this week a bunch of books came in for me from my library!! So I think I have around twenty library books to read now!! I better get started :)
Okay so here's what I got this week!!
Received for Review:
The Vicious Deep by Zoraida Córdova(Thank you Netgalley and Sourcebooks Fire!!)
Shift by Kim Curran (Thank you Netgalley and Angry Robot/Strange Chemisty!!)
Received from the Library:
All You Desire (Eternal Ones # 2) by Kristen Miller
The False Prince (The Ascendance Trilogy #1) by Jennifer A. Nielsen
The Marked (Delcroix Academy #2) by Inara Scott
Immortal City (Immortal City # 1) by Scott Speer
Well that's all I got this week!! What did you get in your mailbox?? What do you think of what I got?? Comment below and leave me some links :D
Friday, April 13, 2012
The Summer My Life Began by Shannon Greenland Review/Tour Spot
Hi everyone!! Today I am a member of The Summer My Life Began tour spot!! Thank you Penguin and Netgalley for sending me a copy!!
Name: The Summer My Life Began
Author: Shannon Greenland
Publisher: Speak, Imprint of Penguin
Release Date: May 10, 2012
Format: E-book ARC
Pre-Order the book on Amazon
Elizabeth Margaret—better known as Em—has always known what life would contain: an internship at her father’s firm, a degree from Harvard and a career as a lawyer. The only problem is that it’s not what she wants. When she gets the opportunity to get away from it all and spend a month with the aunt she never knew, she jumps at the chance. While there, Em pursues her secret dream of being a chef, and she also learns that her family has kept some significant secrets from her, too. And then there’s Cade, the laid-back local surfer boy who seems to be everything Em isn't. Naturally, she can’t resist him, and as their romance blossoms, Em feels she is living on her own terms for the first time.-Goodreads
My Review:
I was so excited for this book when I received it on netgalley a little while seemed like a really cute contemporary romance! Unfortunately I was disappointed by The Summer My Life Began..maybe I had too high expectations for this one but it wasn't what I expected at all.
The overall plot of this book was pretty typical for contemporary romances..boy meets girl sort of thing/girl finds herself etc. What I did really like about The Summer My Life Began was the mysterious aspect to this book! There definitely were some shockers that I did not see coming at all which I thought added some excitement to the plot!! I also liked the culinary aspect to the was really cool to see Em cook and chase her dreams..I thought that added a little something special to this book.
I really wished that the author made the plot go a little bit slower and developed the characters more..I really felt that things were moving very fast and the characters didn't have a slow development..just a fast paced one. I really wanted to like the characters..and they were likable enough but I felt so detached from some of my favorite books I find myself either rooting for or against the main characters but in this book I just felt really indifferent to them.
Overall, this wasn't the best book for me. Did I like it? Yes, but I definitely didn't love it and I felt that some aspects of the story needed to be improved.
My Rating: Three out of Five Stars
Name: The Summer My Life Began
Author: Shannon Greenland
Publisher: Speak, Imprint of Penguin
Release Date: May 10, 2012
Format: E-book ARC
Pre-Order the book on Amazon
Elizabeth Margaret—better known as Em—has always known what life would contain: an internship at her father’s firm, a degree from Harvard and a career as a lawyer. The only problem is that it’s not what she wants. When she gets the opportunity to get away from it all and spend a month with the aunt she never knew, she jumps at the chance. While there, Em pursues her secret dream of being a chef, and she also learns that her family has kept some significant secrets from her, too. And then there’s Cade, the laid-back local surfer boy who seems to be everything Em isn't. Naturally, she can’t resist him, and as their romance blossoms, Em feels she is living on her own terms for the first time.-Goodreads
My Review:
I was so excited for this book when I received it on netgalley a little while seemed like a really cute contemporary romance! Unfortunately I was disappointed by The Summer My Life Began..maybe I had too high expectations for this one but it wasn't what I expected at all.
The overall plot of this book was pretty typical for contemporary romances..boy meets girl sort of thing/girl finds herself etc. What I did really like about The Summer My Life Began was the mysterious aspect to this book! There definitely were some shockers that I did not see coming at all which I thought added some excitement to the plot!! I also liked the culinary aspect to the was really cool to see Em cook and chase her dreams..I thought that added a little something special to this book.
I really wished that the author made the plot go a little bit slower and developed the characters more..I really felt that things were moving very fast and the characters didn't have a slow development..just a fast paced one. I really wanted to like the characters..and they were likable enough but I felt so detached from some of my favorite books I find myself either rooting for or against the main characters but in this book I just felt really indifferent to them.
Overall, this wasn't the best book for me. Did I like it? Yes, but I definitely didn't love it and I felt that some aspects of the story needed to be improved.
My Rating: Three out of Five Stars
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Follow Friday # 27
Hi everyone!! Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read!!
I hope everyone is having a great week!! Here is this Friday's question:
Q:What is one book that you would be nervous to see a movie adaptation of because you think the movie could never live up to the book?
A: Ah such a hard question! Of course I love seeing my favorite books become into movies but I think I would be nervous if Anna and The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins was made into a movie. Anna is of my all time favorite books and I wouldn't want them to cut out my favorite details! Especially scenes with the glorious Etienne and Anna!! That being said I still think Anna and The French Kiss could work as a movie..but it has to be done the right way :)
Other books would include The Book Thief, Shatter Me, Angelfire, and Unearthly!! These books are just too good/I'm nervous about them being changed!!
Well what do you think of my respond? What book would you be nervous to see be made as a movie?? Comment below and leave me some links :D
I hope everyone is having a great week!! Here is this Friday's question:
Q:What is one book that you would be nervous to see a movie adaptation of because you think the movie could never live up to the book?
A: Ah such a hard question! Of course I love seeing my favorite books become into movies but I think I would be nervous if Anna and The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins was made into a movie. Anna is of my all time favorite books and I wouldn't want them to cut out my favorite details! Especially scenes with the glorious Etienne and Anna!! That being said I still think Anna and The French Kiss could work as a movie..but it has to be done the right way :)
Other books would include The Book Thief, Shatter Me, Angelfire, and Unearthly!! These books are just too good/I'm nervous about them being changed!!
Well what do you think of my respond? What book would you be nervous to see be made as a movie?? Comment below and leave me some links :D
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Feature Thursday (1)!!
Hi everyone!! Last week I mentioned to you all that I was interested in starting a blog feature here on catching books every week! So, I can officially announce that this week is the first week of my new feature!!
Feature Thursday is a feature (created by me!) where I have a guest post or blogger interview with a blogger so bloggers can make new friends and find new blogs!
What is your favorite part of the blogging process?
What book are you reading right now?
What is your favorite ya book of 2012?
What was your favorite book growing up and why?
Are there any books you would recommend to fellow bloggers and readers out there?
Favorite band?
Give us one fun fact about yourself:
Thanks so much Monica for answering my questions and being my first feature!! Please make sure to stop by Monica's blog and follow!!
If you are interested in being one of my feature blogs make sure to send me an email at
Feature Thursday is a feature (created by me!) where I have a guest post or blogger interview with a blogger so bloggers can make new friends and find new blogs!
So here is this weeks feature is Monica from Cover Analysis!!
Can you tell us a little yourself to your fellow bloggers?
Well, what do you want to know? This is my first ever interview. I'm math and reading geek. I swim (I have a killer free-style stroke, by the way) and run, I get a straight A's, and I love Fruit Loops. Oh, and BBQ chips. So yummy.
What is your favorite part of the blogging process?
Writing the blog posts! I love that I can be myself, you know? I can type and type and type as much as I want to about books and no one complains about it! :) It gives me a sense of freedom.
What book are you reading right now?
Stolen by Lucy Christopher. I seriously want to shake some sense into the main character but it has me completely intrigued. :D
What is your favorite ya book of 2012?
Only one? *racks brain* I would say from what I read so far The Selection by Keira Cass. It's coming out this later this month and I loved it.
What was your favorite book growing up and why?
To be honest, I never even read all that much when I was younger. Only the occasional Dr.Seuss book once a year or so but I'm still growing up and my favorite one right now is The Giver by Lois Lowry. :) Such an amazing, original dystopian novel.
Are there any books you would recommend to fellow bloggers and readers out there?
LEGEND BY MARIE LU! If you have not read it. You must get on your bike, get in your car, or ride a horse and go to Walmart and BUY IT! I completely and utterly in love with that novel and have re-read, at least, 5 times already.
Favorite band?
Er, um, hmmmmm. I'm going to have to pick two. Maroon 5 and Three Days Grace. Yup, that's right. I don't like One Direction but they are cute.
Give us one fun fact about yourself:
Let's see . . .one fun fact about me. OH! Er, *thinks*. Alright, this is something that I'm kind of embarrassed about but it's 100% true and I think it's funny. If I ever, ever, eat cookies with milk I will fall asleep almost immediately.
Last question..if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
I would go someplace cold. I don't particularly like sunny warm weather. Yeah, I know. Shocker, right? But, I would go to somewhere not to noisy nor populated. OH! I got it . . ALASKA! :) Skiing with the penguins. Oh, and I was promised BBQ chips and a juice box for this interview.
Thanks so much Monica for answering my questions and being my first feature!! Please make sure to stop by Monica's blog and follow!!
If you are interested in being one of my feature blogs make sure to send me an email at
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Waiting on Wednesday 40: Time Between Us
Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine!
Name: Time Between Us
Author: Tamara Ireland Stone
Publisher: Hyperion
Release Date: October 9th, 2012
Add the book on Goodreads
Anna and Bennett were never supposed to meet: she lives in 1995 Chicago and he lives in 2012 San Francisco. But Bennett’s unique ability to travel through time and space brings him into Anna’s life, and with him, a new world of adventure and possibility.
As their relationship deepens, they face the reality that time might knock Bennett back where he belongs, even as a devastating crisis throws everything they believe into question. Against a ticking clock, Anna and Bennett are forced to ask themselves how far they can push the bounds of fate—and what consequences they can bear in order to stay together.
Fresh, exciting, and deeply romantic, TIME BETWEEN US is a stunning and spellbinding debut from an extraordinary new talent in YA fiction.-Goodreads
My Thoughts:
Okay so this book sounds AWESOME. I love the whole time-travel relationship aspect..sort of reminds me like the time-travelers wife!! I am also really intrigued about how the two meet/what their relationship will be like. I also want to see how Tamara Ireland Stone incorporates the time travel into this book! Also, I really like the cover..simple but beautiful! I can't wait to read this one!!
Well what do you think of my choice?? What are you waiting for this week?? Comment below and leave me some links :)
Monday, April 9, 2012
The Fine Art of Truth or Dare by Melissa Jensen Review
Name: The Fine Art of Truth or Dare
Author: Melissa Jensen
Publisher: Speak
Release Date: February 16th, 2012
Format: Library Book
Buy the book on Amazon
Pretty in Pink meets Anna and the French Kiss in this charming romantic comedy
Ella is nearly invisible at the Willing School, and that's just fine by her. She's got her friends - the fabulous Frankie and their sweet cohort Sadie. She's got her art - and her idol, the unappreciated 19th-century painter Edward Willing. Still, it's hard being a nobody and having a crush on the biggest somebody in the school: Alex Bainbridge. Especially when he is your French tutor, and lessons have started becoming, well, certainly more interesting than French ever has been before. But can the invisible girl actually end up with a happily ever after with the golden boy, when no one even knows they're dating? And is Ella going to dare to be that girl?-Goodreads
My Review:
What a fun contemporary read! I was really in the mood to read something that was fun and uplifting and The Fine Art of Truth or Dare was the perfect choice!!
I really enjoyed the plot of this book! Of course it has it's cliche romance moments but I really liked how Melissa Jensen made it into her own-from Ella's crazy and loud family to Ella's love for Edward Willing-this book definitely stood out! I'm also a fan of all the art references in this book! I am in art history right now in school so I definitely appreciated Ella's love for art :)
I also really liked the main character, Ella! She is a really shy, insecure girl at certain moments, but as the novel progresses she really grows as a character and breaks out of her shell! I also loved the the relationship that she has with Alex..especially when they speak French! (even though I really don't know any French I think it's such a romantic language and of course it reminds me of Anna and The French Kiss!!) Anyways..Alex is such a sweet boy and he really helps Ella find herself and their chemistry really was perfect!
Overall, this was a really fun contemporary romance! If you are looking for a fun, contemporary read look no further and pick this book up!!
My Rating: Four out of Five Stars
Author: Melissa Jensen
Publisher: Speak
Release Date: February 16th, 2012
Format: Library Book
Buy the book on Amazon
Pretty in Pink meets Anna and the French Kiss in this charming romantic comedy
Ella is nearly invisible at the Willing School, and that's just fine by her. She's got her friends - the fabulous Frankie and their sweet cohort Sadie. She's got her art - and her idol, the unappreciated 19th-century painter Edward Willing. Still, it's hard being a nobody and having a crush on the biggest somebody in the school: Alex Bainbridge. Especially when he is your French tutor, and lessons have started becoming, well, certainly more interesting than French ever has been before. But can the invisible girl actually end up with a happily ever after with the golden boy, when no one even knows they're dating? And is Ella going to dare to be that girl?-Goodreads
My Review:
What a fun contemporary read! I was really in the mood to read something that was fun and uplifting and The Fine Art of Truth or Dare was the perfect choice!!
I really enjoyed the plot of this book! Of course it has it's cliche romance moments but I really liked how Melissa Jensen made it into her own-from Ella's crazy and loud family to Ella's love for Edward Willing-this book definitely stood out! I'm also a fan of all the art references in this book! I am in art history right now in school so I definitely appreciated Ella's love for art :)
I also really liked the main character, Ella! She is a really shy, insecure girl at certain moments, but as the novel progresses she really grows as a character and breaks out of her shell! I also loved the the relationship that she has with Alex..especially when they speak French! (even though I really don't know any French I think it's such a romantic language and of course it reminds me of Anna and The French Kiss!!) Anyways..Alex is such a sweet boy and he really helps Ella find herself and their chemistry really was perfect!
Overall, this was a really fun contemporary romance! If you are looking for a fun, contemporary read look no further and pick this book up!!
My Rating: Four out of Five Stars
Sunday, April 8, 2012
The Selection by Kiera Cass Review
Author: Kiera Cass
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: April 24th, 2012
Source: ARC E-book
Pre-Order the book on Amazon
Thank you HarperTeen and Edelweiss for sending me a copy of The Selection!!
For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in the palace and compete for the heart of the gorgeous Prince Maxon.
But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn't want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.
Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she's made for herself- and realizes that the life she's always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.-Goodreads
My Review:
Wow..I was completely blown away by this book..I fell in love with the story/the characters and this easily is one of my all time favorite books. Once I started The Selection I could not put it down..and it was so hard to tear myself away from this awesome world that Kiera Cass creates!!
One of my favorite parts of The Selection was the plot!! At first, I was a little bit unsure about the dystopian (seeing that I'm not a huge fan of dystopian but I am definitely warming up to more books in this genre) aspect of this book, but once I started this book I liked how the world had changed but it still had aspects that made the people and places seem relatable. I also loved the idea of a competition for girls to "win" the heart of a Prince. Kiera Cass does such a great job of weaving the caste system that she creates into the novel, with the "reality show" idea of one girl winning and becoming a princess. I was so drawn into the story and how all of these girls are vying to win Prince Maxon's heart that I just couldn't stop reading!
I also really liked the main character America! She is a such a strong character, and is willing to stand up for herself, but she is also down to earth and doesn't let the competition get to her head. Overall, she is a very normal girl and can definitely relate to teenagers who read this book! She has the characteristics of a leader but is so kindhearted and is willing to help anyone. However, America also can be a little bit stubborn and isn't afraid to tell people what she believes which makes me like her even more!
Now onto the love first I thought I thought this book might have a love triangle similar to Twilight where both boys are at odds with each other over a girl's heart..but I didn't really feel a love triangle at all in The Selection (at least not till the end!). Usually I'm not a huge fan of love triangles but Kiera Cass really made it work and I liked how American interacted with both boys! At first I thought I would be a huge team Aspen fan..but as the novel progressed and we learned more about Prince Maxon..I have to say that he has won me over. Maxon is so kind, and such a sweetheart that I really really liked him. While Aspen is also a great guy..he can be a little bit of a heartbreaker..but I have to say that I am interested in seeing both boys try to win America's heart!!
One of the best parts of this book was that at certain points Kiera Cass made me feel like I was in the audience watching all of this unfold and I loved that! The added bonuses of action in this novel were also great..they didn't distract from the overall plot of the story but they definitely made the novel even stronger and I really enjoyed reading those scenes!!
Overall, I LOVED The Selection! I can't wait for the second book in the series..especially after the ending of this one!! Please don't let negative reviews of this book steer you away from it..give it a chance! I promise it will be worth your while :) If you want to read an awesome book with glamour, action, romance, princesses, dystopian, and an amazing female lead you should check this book out!! Also..they are possibly making The Selection into a tv show on the CW in the awesome is that?!
My Rating: Five out of Five Stars
P.S. Here's a quick look of who is playing who in the tv show!!
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Aimee Teegarden is playing America |
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Ethan Peck is playing Prince Maxon |
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William Mosely is playing Aspen |
1 year Blog-O-Versary Giveaway @ Bookish!!
Hi everyone!! Evie at Bookish just reached her one year blogoversary!! Yay!! Don't forget to stop by her blog and enter the giveaway!!
Click here to go to the link
Congrats again Evie!!
Click here to go to the link
Congrats again Evie!!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
In My Mailbox (39)
Hi everyone!! In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren! I hope you all are having a great week!
So this week I got some AWESOME books from publishers and from the library!! I also went to Barnes and Noble and bought Shatter Me (because it's one of my favorite books and I don't own a copy!!).
Okay so here is what I received this week!!
So this week I got some AWESOME books from publishers and from the library!! I also went to Barnes and Noble and bought Shatter Me (because it's one of my favorite books and I don't own a copy!!).
Okay so here is what I received this week!!
Received for Review:
Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa (Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin Teen!!)
Silence by Michelle Sagara West (Thank you Penguin Publishing!!)
Dark Kiss by Michelle Rowen (Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin Teen!!)
Black Dawn by Rachel Caine (Thank you Penguin Publishing!!)
Slow Twitch by Liz Reinhardt (Thank you Liz for sending me a copy!!)
Slow Twitch by Liz Reinhardt (Thank you Liz for sending me a copy!!)
Bought/Received from the Library
Kiss of Frost (Mythos Academy # 2) by Jennifer Estep
Londoners: The Days and Nights of London Now--As Told by Those Who Love It, Hate It, Live It, Left It, and Long for It by Craig Taylor
Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Well..that's all I got this week!! What did you get in your mailbox?? What do you think of what I got?? Comment below and leave me some links :)
Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Well..that's all I got this week!! What did you get in your mailbox?? What do you think of what I got?? Comment below and leave me some links :)
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